Filmmaker Presentations Sep 28th, 2017
Great presentations this week! I feel as though we’re getting increasingly spikier in our experimental aesthetics, and branching off from the home-spun tenderness and grand-fatherly personality of Jonas Mekas. Beginning with Stan I guess it takes a Stan to know one. His presentation on Brakhage did really well in focusing on his artistic charge of exploring human understanding through visual perception. From what I can see, this artistic goal can be seen throughout his decades of work. I really enjoyed the humanist and domestic feel of Window Water Baby Moving ’59, and I am definitely going to finish watching the film at my next convenience. As we have seen in Brakhage’s work, and will continue to see with the Kuchar Brothers, there is definitely this thread of domestic/home-movie filmmaking in the collective body of New York-based experimental artists. I’d be curious to know just how much of Mekas’s personal style and filmmaking philosophy influenced other avant-garde artists,...