Reflections on Self- Portrait
It's interesting considering the process of building a self-portrait. It seems that we each enter into this assignment with some specific idea or concept in mind. And then we shoot, record, and build our materials with which to carry out this idea. For some (speaking to myself) we don't always get the footage we hoped for, or perhaps along the way we discover some new objective or idea. The process of curating this project is somewhat of a self-portrait (in and of itself) if you really think about it. In my own work I had set out to build a self-portrait by capturing the reflections and reactions in others, as a reflection of me. What I found was that most of the subjects we either trying to please me by posing or smiled for the camera just out of habit. To work around this I often conversed with them and then took a candid photo when they weren't consciously on display/posing. But through this process, I also discovered that my manipulation o...