
Showing posts from August, 2017

Deren and Camper Reading

Having read Maya Deren's Amateur v. Experimental for the second time now, I find continual appreciation for her as an artist. Her insights in the freedom of amateur art versus commercial art, and sentiments on celebrating one's own artistic proclivities have allowed me a newfound appreciation for her work. Especially in retrospect to her select films, of which I had a confused understanding of (at best) upon initial viewing. After reading her short essay I can see her surreal, cinematic tendencies relaying a poetic quality that is much easier to digest and even revere. As for Camper, I also appreciate how he sheds light on the facets that make experimental film distinct from conventional, cinematic ventures. And while his criteria for experimental film does seem at first to be somewhat contradictory, his closing paragraph explicates how these facets of what make experimental films avant-garde, should be seen more as suggestions when considering this style of work, versus a ...


Greetings one and all!                                                                                                                                                                   For those of you I don't know already my name is Matthew Johnson. This is my second year here in the Film Studies program, and I'm hoping to gear my studies towards critical analysis and film history for the duration of my time at UNCW, and hopefully on through graduate school. As for this course specifically, I'm looking not only to gain further insights into the ideologies and practices surroundi...